
Okay, okay, so I lasted a week. I can make it longer, though, and I have before. I just have to ... well, last. :)

Nice month, March is/was. I love it. :) Our e-journals are due a week earlier than anyone figured, but that's *good*, 'cause it means that I only have to do 3 articles. I have to get working on the two big projects in my school life... actually, it would be good to get working on the other one, as well (qualitative methods). We're going to go easy on that one, though. Anyhow, gotta get moving. Not much sleep, got a bit of a headache, I think someone might be kinda interested in me (not the French boy that I've been smiling at and vice versa for awhile), but as much as I kept hoping for a nice, uncomplicated relationship out of university, I'm not interested right now. How contrary am I?

Was collecting pledges for the Max Keeping Bowl-a-thon that I'll be participating in... one of my friends/jocks at work put together a team, and I'm on it. I think it'll be fun. If you want to pledge me or go see me play, email me and I'll send you the details. :)

I actually got the balls up to ask the Big Boss if he'd pledge me. That was pretty amazing for me. :)

The ex- gets into town tonight. This weekend should be pretty telling.

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