
So, over the past few days of my little vacation (of which today is the last day), I have been more or less avoiding the computer. Well, not so much avoiding as simply not being on it for twelve hours a day. This means I'm not having little meaningless conversations all day, and I'm focusing on me, which is good.

Yesterday I did my yoga tape, with Digger wanting attention the whole time, so that wasn't so good. I worked around him, though. :) Then I tried to go for a jog, decided 'this is for the birds', and went out for a bike ride, instead. Now, I did all of this at about 12:30, 1 in the afternoon, so it was pretty warm out. I felt good afterwards, though. I came home, planted myself downstairs on the couch and watched Empire Records, and just enjoyed relaxing for a bit. Afterwards, went upstairs, finally had my shower, and headed off to school. I called the coworker after class to say hi to him, and he was pretty sick, so I wound up driving him home. Then, after he felt better, he drove me back to my place.

Today's plan, if I can get my butt going, is to do some laundry, clean my room, and probably clean the kitchen, too. I'm also supposed to get together with the pizza guy, but that won't be until later tonight.

Two nights ago, I got together with a bunch of friends from high school. It was kinda fun, wandering around my neighbourhood and just picking up the people that were home. Made a bit of a collection. :)

Anyhow, time for me to check on the cats and get moving.

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