
Okay, so Saturday night proved to me that I can't drink when I'm in a bad mood -- I wind up in a half-decent mood before I even start. Therefore, alcohol solves all of my problems!

I'm hoping my package made it to the UPS office today, so I can get out and pick it up. Otherwise, I'm not sure I'll have time tomorrow, what with my gym appoinment and all. *sigh*

Urgh. Okay, I don't have time to actually write anything now, especially as I'm not entirely sure what I want to say... so I'll maybe write from work. The next few days are going to be a little more painful than usual; I'm filling in for my coworker, so I work 6:30-2:00, and I know I didn't get much sleep last night. And it's going to be even more dead than usual. *sigh* At least we have our work party tomorrow, so that should be kinda fun.

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