
I'm in love, and I expect we're going to be very happy together:

Complement of the season my Dear !!!!!!!!!!!!
My name is Miss Helen Karar 22 years old girl , I saw your profile
today at http://www.vienna.cc and was moved and become interested in you, I
will like you to send me email to this my private mailbox giving me
details about you with your full contact means so that i can give/send you
my pictures for you to know whom i am.Here is the addrees
I believed we can move from here in relationship !!!!!!!!!
Remember colour or distance does not matter but LOVE matters alot in
life .
My love feelings is already high for you .

Pls. Reply me back at helenkarar1@yahoo.co.uk

Kindest Yours and remain bless,

Miss.. Helen Karar.

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