
Well, I turned in the last of my school papers today. This paper was frustrating, like the thesis proposal, because neither flowed. I never really trust something I've written if I had to struggle for it, even if they do seem to turn out okay in the end.

It seems as though some of this masters stuff is confusing people, and I guess it's partly because not everyone has to follow the same process, so I'll spell things out.

Because I did an honours BA in the same field I'm currently doing my masters in, I only had to do four courses before I could begin my thesis. I just handed in my last exam for my last course. Beginning in January, I will be working on my thesis.

I have, however, had to write a thesis proposal, which I did, and turned in December 1st of this year. On Wednesday I get to appear before the graduate committee and have them tell me things that suck about my thesis proposal; this is my thesis proposal defence.

I have not yet begun any work on my thesis. In January I will be starting the literature review -- the exciting reading of all the theory that will support and challenge that which I am writing. Contrary to what some people have stated or believe, despite the fact that the case study for my assertions is Buffy, my thesis does not and will not consist of me sitting around watching the show. There may be days where I will have to watch episodes, either to analyse them or to find particular portrayals or character traits, and I may be looking for company when I do that, but that will definitely not be how I get to spend the bulk of next year.

I was telling someone today that, if things progress as they're supposed to (i.e., I don't take the extra time I'm permitted to finish my thesis), I could have my masters as early as the end of the summer. That's both terrifying and awesome.

Anyhow, after I submit my thesis, I will then have to undergo a thesis defence. This portion is before the graduate committee again, and is actually open to the public. I know of a few people who have said they'd like to attend; if you're one of them, let me know and I will make details available. That's quite some time from now, though.

I enjoyed indulging in a few of my vices tonight. I'm going to go enjoy another before I pass out. :)

But one final note goes out to Big A -- congratulations on your engagement, my friend. I'm very happy for you and wish you both all the best. :)

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